Donnerstag, 2. September 2010

Lilly in New york!

Wow! I am here on the Empire State Building!
I have a fantastic view over the city New York. On the observations deck I can read a lot of Information about it. It was built in 18 months, very fast! Since the 11th of September, the Empire State building is the highest building in Ney York again. And a lot of films played on the Empire State Building, for example King Kong.

So, in the moment I am sitting in the Central Park. It`s very nice! It`s all green here! I was in the metropolitan museum of arts, the museum is really good. I look forward to the theatre. It`s begining in a few minutes.
bye bye!

3 Kommentare:

  1. very good lilly.
    The picture with King Kong is very funny

  2. Hey!!!
    Did you were in the cental park zoo?? By the waving pinguins.

  3. Good report - particularly about the King Kong
